
Core and Elective Courses

Third Grade

Third grade is a choice of a full day program or a-la-carte classes on Monday and Wednesday combined with targeted practice, reviewing and re-teaching in the satellite classroom at home on the remaining three days a week.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a weekly basis outlining the satellite assignments, strategies used in class, follow-up study over covered material, and preparation or review needed for their next class. They will also bear the primary responsibility for direct instruction in some aspects of the course and for monitoring their child’s academic progress (including the timely submission of all assignments). Timely communication between parent and teacher about struggles and successes ensures student progress throughout the school year.  

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate English and math placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep sequence during the preceding school year.

English – 3rd Grade

The third-grade course in English will lay the foundation for developing proficiencies in reading, writing, and oral communication. Students will become more proficient in their understanding of the mechanics of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling and vocabulary. Students will write creatively and generate structured paragraphs utilizing graphic organizers and teacher-led discussions. Students will also be introduced to some of the fundamental concepts associated with the appreciation of literature and will spend time reading alone and with parents to develop this skill. 

Math – 3rd Grade

This course focuses on the use of problem-solving strategies and visuals to solve real-life situations. Students are given the opportunity to master basic whole number concepts and mental math strategies to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. They develop a deep understanding of fractions, decimals, geometric concepts, measurements, time, money, and graphs. Students become familiar with a systematic way to translate word problems into mathematical equations and gain proficiency in identifying, creating, and analyzing patterns. 

Science – 3rd Grade

Third-grade science is designed to encourage Christian growth and to direct students’ natural curiosity by helping them describe what God has created. Through the studies of organisms and environments, earth and space, matter, energy, force, motion and energy; students will increase in their knowledge of the world that God has made. Students will develop a greater knowledge of God through scientific investigations and reasoning. Students will be exposed to an inductive approach to learning, will participate in hands-on activities and projects, and will engage higher-level thinking questions and discussion topics.                 

History – 3rd Grade

Students will study the story of America from the framing of the Constitution up until the days of the Wild West.  Students will relive key moments in our nation’s history and discover interesting traditions from the past.   

Electives – Elementary

Electives will be offered in a rotation during the year including P.E., art and drama. P.E. will involve individual and/or team activities that cover a wide array of games and sports as well as encourage Christian sportsmanship.  Drama is designed to introduce students with the practice of Theatrical performance and public speaking. In art students will express ideas through original artworks using a variety of media with appropriate skill.

Fourth Grade

Fourth grade is a choice of an all-day program or a-la-carte classes on Monday and Wednesday combined with targeted practice, reviewing and re-teaching in the satellite classroom at home on the remaining three days a week.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a regular basis outlining the satellite assignments, strategies used in class, ideas for review and follow-up, and preparation needed for the next class. They will also bear the primary responsibility for direct instruction in some aspects of the course and for monitoring their child’s academic progress (including the timely submission of all assignments). Timely communication between parent and teacher about struggles and successes ensures student progress throughout the school year.

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate English and math placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep sequence during the preceding school year

English – 4th Grade

Students in fourth-grade English will become more proficient in reading and writing by studying the mechanics or grammar, punctuation and capitalization conventions. Students will be given opportunities to develop their ability to write short, but clear and well-organized compositions and essays on a variety of topics. Students will plan, draft, revise, proofread, and publish. Students will also be introduced to some of the fundamental concepts associated with the appreciation of literature and will spend time reading alone and with parents to develop this skill.

Math – 4th Grade

This course continues the emphasis on problem solving strategies including visual models and mental math to solve real world problems. It systematically builds upon previously taught math concepts and leads students to a deep understanding in preparation for the next grade level. Students examine number relationships and make connections between decimals and fraction operations, multiplication and division, and numbers and symbols in equations and geometric formulas. Students learn to present and apply mathematical thinking.

Science – 4th Grade

In fourth grade, students will gain a deeper appreciation of God’s creation through age-appropriate scientific inquiry. Students will acquire new information, gain proficiency in research, work collaboratively with other students, think critically, use the scientific method, do measurements, solve problems, and evaluate results. Subjects of study will include the earth, moon and sun systems, living organisms and their ecosystem, life cycles in living organisms, the earth’s crust, renewable resources, electricity, light, and properties of matter. Students will develop their science process skills by participating in hands-on activities and projects and by engaging in higher-level thinking questions and discussion topics.                                                                                                                            

History – 4th Grade

Students will study United States history from the founding of America to World War II all from a biblical perspective.  Lessons will include a study of the regions of the United States.  Students will study events in American history in relation to geography, history, economics, culture, government and the knowledge of God and Christian character.

Electives – Elementary

Electives will be offered in a rotation during the year including P.E., art and drama. P.E. will involve individual and/or team activities that cover a wide array of games and sports as well as encourage Christian sportsmanship.  Drama is designed to introduce students with the practice of Theatrical performance and public speaking. In art students will express ideas through original artworks using a variety of media with appropriate skill.

Fifth Grade

Fifth grade is a choice of an all-day program or a-la-carte classes on Monday and Wednesday combined with targeted practice, reviewing and re-teaching in the satellite classroom at home on the remaining three days a week.

English – 5th Grade

The fifth-grade course in English will continue to emphasize the development of skills in Reading, Writing, Research, Listening and Speaking, and Oral and Written Conventions. The course will focus on grammar and its rules and apply those rules to writing sentences, paragraphs, and to practice pages from the text. Students’ literary studies will include reading comprehension and application through literal and analytical discussions appropriate to their age level. The student will evaluate literature and writing, using Biblical principles and communicate their views both orally and in writing. The course will focus on basic literary terms and how they apply to the literature. The students will be exposed to several genres of literature throughout the year through the use of various novels. This course will include vocabulary that expands the students’ knowledge and improves reading comprehension.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a weekly basis outlining the satellite assignments, needed study over covered material, and preparation or review needed for the next class. Parents will be responsible for monitoring their child’s timely submission of all assignments and overall academic progress. Timely communication between parent and teacher about struggles and successes ensures student progress. If problems should develop, then the teacher needs to know immediately.

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate English placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep English sequence during the preceding school year.

Math – 5th Grade

Upon entering 5th grade math, students are expected to have mastery of all the basic math facts. This course will focus on solving problems involving all four operations with positive rational numbers, determining and generating formulas and solutions to expressions, and extending measurement to area and volume. In number and operations, students will apply place value and identify part-to-whole relationships and equivalence. In algebraic reasoning, students will represent and solve problems with expressions and equations, build foundations of functions through patterning, identify prime and composite numbers, and use the order of operations. In geometry and measurement, students will classify two-dimensional figures, connect geometric attributes to the measures of three-dimensional figures, use units of measure, and represent location using a coordinate plane. In data analysis, students will represent and interpret data. Students will also participate in Investigations that explore the depths of math connections and continue to develop mathematical thinking through applications, activities and extensions.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a weekly basis outlining satellite assignments, needed study over covered material, and preparation or review needed for the next class. Parents will also be responsible for monitoring their child’s timely submission of all assignments and overall academic progress.

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate Math placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep Math sequence during the preceding school year.


History – 5th Grade

Fifth-grade History presents the roots of contemporary United States struggles and the blossoming of American enterprise from the early 1900s to the year 2009. Topics are presented from a biblical perspective and include the invention and influence of the automobile and airplane, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, struggles over civil rights, and significant wars from the time period.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a weekly basis outlining the satellite assignments, needed study over covered material, and preparation or review needed for the next class. Parents will be responsible for monitoring their child’s timely submission of all assignments and overall academic progress.

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate Reading placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep History sequence during the preceding school year.

Science – 5th Grade

In the fifth-grade Science Course, students will conduct investigations with a variety of tools using scientific methods and make informed decisions using critical thinking skills. Students will expand their knowledge about matter and its physical properties. Energy occurs in many forms and will be observed in cycles, patterns and systems. Students will learn about the useful resources in God’s creation and recognize patterns in the natural world.  Within the organisms and environment God created the students will learn about the relationships, systems and cycles.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a weekly basis outlining satellite assignments, needed study over covered material, and preparation or review needed for the next class. Parents will be responsible for monitoring their child’s timely submission of all assignments and overall academic progress.

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate Reading placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep Science sequence during the preceding school year.

Elective Courses

Elective Rotation

Electives will be offered in a rotation during the year including P.E., art and drama. P.E. will involve individual and/or team activities that cover a wide array of games and sports as well as encourage Christian sportsmanship.  Drama is designed to introduce students with the practice of Theatrical performance and public speaking. In art students will express ideas through original artworks using a variety of media with appropriate skill.

Beginner Instrumental Ensemble 

Instrumental Ensemble for elementary students will expose students to woodwind and brass instruments.  Students will choose an instrument that fits their attributes with the advice of the course instructor and begin to learn to play in an ensemble.  Once an instrument has been chosen, parents will need to supply the instrument by either purchasing or renting. The focus will be on praising God through music and students may also have opportunities to perform at school events.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a regular basis outlining the satellite assignments, practice material, and preparation or review needed for their next class.

Course Prerequisites: Student must be of the appropriate grade level classification for enrollment in this course.

Sixth Grade

Sixth grade is a choice of an all-day program or a-la-carte classes on Monday and Wednesday combined with targeted practice, reviewing and re-teaching in the satellite classroom at home on the remaining three days a week.

English – 6th Grade

The sixth-grade course in English will continue to emphasize the development of skills in Reading, Writing, Research, Listening and Speaking, and Oral and Written Conventions for the purpose of effective communication in the various subject areas. Students will be encouraged to apply their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation as they refine their composition skills with multi-paragraphs essays. Students plan, draft, revise, proofread, and publish different types of writing: imaginative stories, poems, personal narratives, expository texts, procedural texts, and informal letters. Students will also produce a multimedia presentation involving text and graphics. Sixth-grade reading materials will be drawn from a variety of genres and topics with an emphasis on literature. The student will evaluate literature and writing, using Biblical principles and communicate their views both orally and in writing. Students will also be introduced to some of the fundamental concepts associated with the appreciation of literature.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a weekly basis outlining the satellite assignments, needed study over covered material, and preparation or review needed for the next class. Parents will be responsible for monitoring their child’s timely submission of all assignments and overall academic progress. Timely communication between parent and teacher about struggles and successes ensures student progress. If problems should develop, then the teacher needs to know immediately.

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate English placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep English sequence during the preceding school year.

Math – 6th Grade: Course 1

Upon entering Course I math, students are expected to have mastery of all the basic math facts. This math course will focus on the developing and understanding of and fluency with multiplication and division of fractions and decimals as well as connecting ratio and rate to multiplication and division. Students will have an introduction to algebra and learn to write, interpret and use mathematical expressions and equations. They will use the commutative, associative and distributive properties to show that two expressions are equivalent. Students will also solve problems that involve area and volume with two and three-dimensional figures. Additional topics that are covered are probability, integers and absolute value, metric and customary measurement, angle measurement, perimeter and circumference, and factorization. Students will continue to develop mathematical thinking skills through applications, activities and extensions.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a weekly basis outlining the satellite assignments, needed study over covered material, and preparation or review needed for the next class. Parents will also be responsible for monitoring their child’s timely submission of all assignments and overall academic progress.

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate Math placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep Math sequence during the preceding school year.

History – 6th Grade

History takes students on a tour of the history and culture of ancient civilizations like Egypt, China, Israel, Greece, Africa, the Mayas, and the Roman world. The elementary history text provides a richly illustrated narrative of the history and culture of ancient civilizations.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a weekly basis outlining the satellite assignments, needed study over covered material, and preparation or review needed for the next class. Parents will be responsible for monitoring their child’s timely submission of all assignments and overall academic progress.

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate Reading placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep History sequence during the preceding school year.


In this course, students engage in scientific inquiry, investigating God’s magnificent world and analyze data to formulate reasonable explanations. Students will learn that matter has physical properties and use them for classification as well as learn the differences between elements and compounds. They will explore the God given resources on earth, renewable and nonrenewable, and make a plan for managing those energy resources. The students will expand their knowledge of earth and space as well as force, motion and energy through investigations.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a weekly basis outlining the satellite assignments, needed study over covered material, and preparation or review needed for the next class. Parents will be responsible for monitoring their child’s timely submission of all assignments and overall academic progress.

Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the appropriate Reading placement test or successful completion of the preceding course in the Foundation Prep Science sequence during the preceding school year.

Elective Courses

Elective Rotation

Electives will be offered in a rotation during the year including P.E., art and drama. P.E. will involve individual and/or team activities that cover a wide array of games and sports as well as encourage Christian sportsmanship.  Drama is designed to introduce students with the practice of Theatrical performance and public speaking. In art students will express ideas through original artworks using a variety of media with appropriate skill.

Beginner Instrumental Ensemble 

Instrumental Ensemble for elementary students will expose students to woodwind and brass instruments.  Students will choose an instrument that fits their attributes with the advice of the course instructor and begin to learn to play in an ensemble.  Once an instrument has been chosen, parents will need to supply the instrument by either purchasing or renting. The focus will be on praising God through music and students may also have opportunities to perform at school events.

Parent Role: Co-instructor: Parents will receive instructions from the classroom teacher on a regular basis outlining the assignments, practice material, and preparation or review needed for their next class.

Course Prerequisites: Student must be of the appropriate grade level classification for enrollment in this course.