What grades are offered at FPA?

We offer kindergarten through 12 th grades.

Where do your students live?

Our students are from all the surrounding areas – Lake Jackson, Richwood, Clute, Brazoria, Sweeny, West Columbia, and beyond. The reduced number of days on campus allows families the freedom to travel farther to our school as their overall time spent in travel is greatly reduced.

What is the difference between an on-campus day and a satellite day?

Days that a student is on campus at Foundation Preparatory are referred to as on-campus days. Satellite campus days are what we call the days when the students are under their parent’s instruction and completing their FPA assignments at home. It is important that the students and parents understand that ALL 4-5 days in a week are school days; it is just that the schoolwork is being done at a different location.

How long are satellite days?

As a general rule, for secondary students, an hour of work at home is assigned for each hour of class at school. However, variables such as student ability, work ethic, variety of assignments, and honors vs. standard courses will impact this standard. For elementary students, the time spent learning on a satellite day is shorter when they are in early grades and gradually increases. Working one-on-one or in a small family group with one parent co-teacher is often more efficient than whole-group instruction. Secondary students (7 th -12 th ) may have weekend homework.

What are the class sizes at FPA?

To better meet the individual needs of our students, our classes have low student-teacher ratios. Core classes are capped at 12 students.

Does FPA currently serve students with special needs or IEPs?

FPA is unable to accommodate special needs or IEPs due to the small staff size and limited resources available to our program.

How are assignments communicated between home and school?

Weekly assignment sheets are posted in our Class Reach system every Sunday for students/families to print and place in the class binder.

Is FPA a homeschooling co-op?

No. Our model is a unique, college-simulated program integrating professional instruction from highly qualified instructors and independent study. We are fully certified and accredited. Students who are enrolled full-time at FPA are considered private school students.

What specials and electives are offered to FPA students?

Physical education with music and movement is offered daily to primary and elementary students (K-6 th ). Primary and elementary students may also choose from clubs such as Lego/STEM club, robotics club, Happy Feet (running club), and theater club. Secondary students in grades 7 th -12 th also have choices between several elective courses and clubs. Some examples include physical education, SAT prep, Financial Peace, Biblical Worldview, Speech, theater club, Spanish club, National Honors Society, yearbook club, and Praise Team.

How are curriculum choices determined and evaluated?

Our review process includes a consistent set of curriculum criteria that are aligned with our educational philosophy, curriculum statement, and overall vision for FPA. Our criteria for curriculum evaluation includes:

  1. Biblical integration and character development
  2. Use of “Best Educational Practices” (including differentiation, multi-sensory activities, developmentally appropriate assessments, a balance between drilling facts and developing higher-order thinking skills)
  3. Adaptability for our UMS model and how it supports parent-teaching.
  4. Cost-effectiveness
  5. Alignment to our certification/accreditation guidelines
  6. Encouragement for students to be engaged and develop a deep love for learning while using critical thinking in all subjects
  7. The secondary curriculum develops the foundation for success in college-level courses

What is the dress code?

FPA does not require school-ordered uniforms but has a strict dress code policy that includes readily available color-specific pieces. Families are responsible for acquiring the proper dress code items.

How are textbooks obtained?

Families are responsible for ordering the proper textbooks and materials for each class. While you may order textbooks through FPA, as available, you are free to shop around for better prices. Used textbooks are acceptable; however, workbooks must be purchased new.